Sunday, January 12, 2014

D-00: Preparation


Yesterday (Jan/12/2013) was the preparation day for the next 40 days that I hope to be the 40 days that will start a total change in my life.

The 40 days that I'm talking about are 40 days for a necessary change in my life. I need to make some changes in specific areas of my life:

  1. Weight: yes, this is the most terrifying thing in my life, I've always struggled with weight issues (was the chubby-geeky-friendzoned kid in the class and so on) and now I've got to a point that I'm feeling pretty bad with my size. So I decided to forget those quotes that say something like "brains are better that muscles and blablabla" and will begin a diet for 40 days with exercises and lets see where this will take me.
  2. Dirty mouth: ahh! how sweet it is to curse, isn't it? I once heard that cursing (saying four letter words) was a poem because poems are things spoke spontaneously and directly from your heart but no, as much pleasure I can get from this it's just not so good as it seems, so for now on no more cursing for me.
  3. Money control: well, no mystery here. I'm a normal person that aspires to achieve things and for certain things little money is required but for others not and for the last 18 months my financial life hasn't been a roll model, even thought I'm not in bankruptcy I'm not happy with how I've been spending money and not saving any for my future.
  4. Studies: (a) I have to better my professional skills at work (I work for a software development company where I work as a Team Leader of four coders and I also have the administrative things), so I need to better my coding skills at my core platform (iOS/Objective-C) and start absorve some concrete skills in other platforms (Android/Java, Web/HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby On Rails). (b) I need to become a complete musician, because until today even thought I have studied music I haven't really gave the necessary attention, I play in a band but I really feel the necessity of understanding music and not only playing it.
  5. Personality issues: well, lets say that I'm not the best person in the face of the world. I really don't like to talk much with people, I don't tend to be the sweetest person in public. I'm more like a psychopath without the social connectivity skill. So I'll have to work on this.
So that's that.
May the 40 days begin and let's see how the change evolves.

Oh, yeah! 

Why all this change? Because in approximately in 12 weeks I'm gonna be a father. Yes! My first baby boy will be born and if I wan't a better world for my kid I need to start being the difference I wan't to see in the world.

Why the 'hero' title? Because heroes are guys that stand out of their comfort zone and do something some times great (beside the muscles, shinny teeth and great skills).


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