Friday, January 24, 2014

W-01 | D-09 : Small change in the diet


Well today I'll be changing my diet, not a huge change but just gonna remove 1 item from the vegetable mix and going to the most aggressive approach at dinner.

1. the vegetable mix had:
     - cabbage
     - tomato
     - potato 
     - abobrinha
     - chayote

 I'm gonna remove 'potato', well potatoes have a bunch of carbs, so lets kick that out.

2. aggressive diner:
     - 1 big chicken filet
     - 1 chuchu in small squares

For some reason chuchu just does magical things to your body and no matter how much you eat of it it's just not gonna fatten you up.


W-01 | D-08 : Result Check Day


Let's see how the week went.

I fixed a mark that if I didn't lose at least 3 kg I would just forget about this and go on being a chubby software developer, but for my surprise a made it!

After a week on diet, a trip on the path and lots of bananas eaten on the day before I took the balls and stood on the weighting dish and it displayed: 

92,1 kg 

Lets do the math: 96,7 - 92,1 = 4,6 kg 

YES! Almost 5 kg lost in a week. A that's fantastic and that puts me back to my former weight before I got in vacation, 

So now I have lose something around the 5 kg again so I'll be in schedule with my expectations.


W-01 | D-07 : Fruit Day #1


This is the Fruit Day post.
Let me explain it. This is the one day in the week that I have to select one fruit and just eat that.

OK, just a joke. You're not just gonna eat fruit you're gonna eat:

     - a fruit every three hours
     - 04 olives on two meals (lunch and diner)

  1. Yes, that is it. 
  2. Yes, you are gonna get hungry,
  3. Yes, in case you don't feel well you can eat some of those emergency foods

"How should I survive with a little grape for every 3 hours" you might be thinking if you chose grapes as your fruit, right?

Well, take this measure for an instance. I normally eat between 2-4 bananas, 2-3 apples or 1 pineapple per meal. It all depends on the meal and my hunger. So use this proportion and a north for whatever fruit you are gonna eat.

Another thing is that you should chose a less rushy day just in case you don't feel well or a day you're not at the office (where people eat loads of junk food). 

I normally do it on Sundays, even though it's a rushy day because of my roles in church but at least I have my wife's support and from everyone at the band too.

That's that. You're probably gonna lose 1kg on this day. Just endure.

PS. next post my first weighting day after I started the diet.

W-01 | D-03 : The First Fall


Well this post is about how temptation works and hits you down if you don't run away.

Well last week a good friend of mine, Gareth, got in contact saying that his girlfriend wanted to meet me and my wife and was like "yeah! lets meet so the girls can get together and probably we'll grab a bite on something good for the stomach and eyes".

Well, even though Gary's a athlete and has a great natural diet at these gatherings we ask for a pizza and chat over the night.

Pizza, that's my week spot. As a good New Yorker I just get stupid around pizza and that day I eat 5 slices with all the pleasure in the world (that just made my day).

Let us not forget! That was my third day doing the diet. Frustrating but delicious.

So what was the lesson? If you're in a diet and you have a chance to be front to front with you favorite food (at this moment total-nemesis food), try to endure but if it's impossible just don't try to get wasted on it.

(I can give that type of advice because I'm posting after one week it happened and know how much it influenced at my weight statistic).


W-01 | D-01 : May the rituals begin.


REMEBER: the first 72 hours are the worst. 

Well, day 1 brought me back into reality, after 15 days of vacation I'd won almost 5kg. Yes, lots of food, no control, no consciousness nor work out. What could I expect? For me, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

So, butt naked I weighed myself and the number was: 

96,7 kg (I was waiting for something around 100 kg)

Now that the traumatic and terrifying ritual of the week was completed  I had a road well traced to go on.

I need to go from 96,7 kg to 80,0 kg. To achieve that this is my first week diet:

        - 1 (or 2) slices of brown bread
        - 1 (or 2) slices of white cheese (or mozzarella)
        - 1 cup of coffee (or ice tea)

        - raw carrot 
        - vegetable mix
        - 1 or 2 beefs

        - crackers or toasts 
        - 1 cup of coffee or tea

        - vegetable mix or chayote
        - 1 chicken filet (a big one, the closer to an astridg better)

REST OF THE DAY: what you can eat and use at moments of hunger emergency:

                - water
                - tea (including ice tea, just remember it still has more sugar than water or normal tea)
                - coffee (use sweetener)

                - crackers
                - integral cookies 
                - 1 pão de queijo (it's something I think we only have in Brazil, but it's a type o cheese         bread I'll put some links so you can see).

Last words on the diet:
  1. what ever is between parenthesis is an adaptation that I made other wise I wouldn't get through day 1.
  2. whatever doesn't have a specific quantity, you can eat freely (meaning that should eat enough to feel satisfied).

See you guys on the next post.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

D-00: Preparation


Yesterday (Jan/12/2013) was the preparation day for the next 40 days that I hope to be the 40 days that will start a total change in my life.

The 40 days that I'm talking about are 40 days for a necessary change in my life. I need to make some changes in specific areas of my life:

  1. Weight: yes, this is the most terrifying thing in my life, I've always struggled with weight issues (was the chubby-geeky-friendzoned kid in the class and so on) and now I've got to a point that I'm feeling pretty bad with my size. So I decided to forget those quotes that say something like "brains are better that muscles and blablabla" and will begin a diet for 40 days with exercises and lets see where this will take me.
  2. Dirty mouth: ahh! how sweet it is to curse, isn't it? I once heard that cursing (saying four letter words) was a poem because poems are things spoke spontaneously and directly from your heart but no, as much pleasure I can get from this it's just not so good as it seems, so for now on no more cursing for me.
  3. Money control: well, no mystery here. I'm a normal person that aspires to achieve things and for certain things little money is required but for others not and for the last 18 months my financial life hasn't been a roll model, even thought I'm not in bankruptcy I'm not happy with how I've been spending money and not saving any for my future.
  4. Studies: (a) I have to better my professional skills at work (I work for a software development company where I work as a Team Leader of four coders and I also have the administrative things), so I need to better my coding skills at my core platform (iOS/Objective-C) and start absorve some concrete skills in other platforms (Android/Java, Web/HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby On Rails). (b) I need to become a complete musician, because until today even thought I have studied music I haven't really gave the necessary attention, I play in a band but I really feel the necessity of understanding music and not only playing it.
  5. Personality issues: well, lets say that I'm not the best person in the face of the world. I really don't like to talk much with people, I don't tend to be the sweetest person in public. I'm more like a psychopath without the social connectivity skill. So I'll have to work on this.
So that's that.
May the 40 days begin and let's see how the change evolves.

Oh, yeah! 

Why all this change? Because in approximately in 12 weeks I'm gonna be a father. Yes! My first baby boy will be born and if I wan't a better world for my kid I need to start being the difference I wan't to see in the world.

Why the 'hero' title? Because heroes are guys that stand out of their comfort zone and do something some times great (beside the muscles, shinny teeth and great skills).
